About Aikido Guide
"Want to Learn How to Do Aikido moves for beginners!

Do you yearn to roll on mats? To throw your attacker effortlessly?
But does fear restrain you from trying a martial art?

Aikido is a martial art that focuses on being in harmony with any type of attack. As new-age and fluffy as this idea sounds, the principles of the art are based on ancient Samurai sword battles, where the smallest mental or physical misstep could mean death. Aikido can be as graceful as ballet or as direct and immediate as lightning.

Aikido is an incredible martial art with awesome self defense theories and applications. Unfortunately, many functional self defense and martial arts practitioners have overlooked aikido and consider it to be ineffective, primarily due to unrealistic training in a majority of schools. But doing so is a mistake. With realistic training, the unique principles and techniques of aikido can work extremely well. On this application we will explain the theory of aikido, how to train it realistically, and demonstrate functional applications in pictures and video.

Aikido begins before a physical attack has been launched, with an active awareness of distance and position. The ideal distance or ma-ai is one at which your attacker must take at least one step in order to touch you. This distance necessarily requires a motion of convergence for an attack to be executed, and that motion of convergence is a movement of energy toward you. Aikido works by blending with or 'stealing' that energy from your attacker, and redirecting and/or reversing it into a throw or lock.

This application series of videos shows beginner moves in aikido.

We trust this application will be of assistance if you’re a newcomer to training Aikido. There’s certainly a lot to take on board and initially it can seem quite overwhelming.

Learn how to do aikido, a martial art that helps you turn an attacker’s energy against him in these Application videos."
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