About Warrior Fitness Bootcamp Guide
"Have you ever tried a fitness boot camp?

Sick of boring cardio workouts? Get back to basics with a fitness boot camp class.
These group sessions, which focus on military style exercises and functional movements like push-ups, squats, sprints, and sit ups, provide a killer workout and a chance to sweat outside the gym.

You have always stayed away because the thought of having a drill sergeant yelling in your ear has always terrified me. But people rave about the results, (especially when it comes to weight loss).

Whip yourself into shape with Warrior Fitness Boot Camp, a regimen based on Marine Corps training. From the gym to home, you can train like a warrior anywhere!
Based on programs used to whip new military recruits into shape, fitness boot camp classes aren’t for the faint of heart.

These high intensity workouts deliver results in a total body approach, combining sprint intervals, bodyweight exercises, and high intensity moves like kicking and punching. The key: limiting rest time in between each move to get the heart rate up and burning calories fast.

Whip yourself into shape with Warrior Fitness Boot Camp, a regimen based on Marine Corps training, in these Application workout videos."
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Dec 29, 2023
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