About Tresslog Hair Diary & Planner
A hair diary/log and hair routine planner, to help you log all your hair activities. Keep track of your beautiful tresses and never forget a thing on your journey to healthy hair.

Taking care of your hair can be overwhelming and sometimes you don't always remember every detail you have planned for your hair routine. Use Tresslog's routine planner to plan your weekly hair routine, add reminders, products, notes, and mark as complete to add to your logs.

Tresslog helps you keep track, especially after you've done a big chop or major cut and you want to grow your hair back in a healthy way as soon as possible. Tresslog helps you keep track of every part of your hair journey to see your progress and what worked and didn't work for you! Know all that you did and how it affected your journey, add pictures, products and even find tips on our latest blogs as well as a guide to your hair type:

Top Reasons you need Tresslog:

-Stay organized in your hair routine
-Have a log of all your hair efforts
-Keep track of your hair progress
-Learn more about your hair and how to care for it
-Safe secure and private hair diary
-Never worry about losing notes

Hair type guides for Type 1, 2,3,4, Relaxed, Permed, and Japanese Straightened hair.

Starting a good hair routine or journey takes time and understanding, time to implement, and more importantly understanding yourself.

Understanding yourself will keep you from creating a hair journey that is not in sync with your lifestyle, a burden, and just impractical. Things to keep in mind when starting your journey:

Planning your hair routine:

1. Your time, you have to keep in mind the amount of time you have to dedicate towards this routine, if you work a typical 9-5 and you have a routine that requires you to wash and treat your hair 3 times a week, and a bunch of other things, will you have time to stick to it. Create a routine that fits into your schedule and one you know you have time to entertain.

2. The two Ps, Preferences and Patience, using natural DIY homemade products may seem amazing and exciting but if you know you love shopping at Sephora, love refined scents and no patience to make things and wait for them to set, etc. Then go with your two P levels. Don't get caught up in the whole DIY homemade hair care routine else you will end wasting a lot of money and time.

3. Your Budget, you can find amazing products that do not cost an arm, leg, and a heart that work and leave your hair amazing, keep in mind that expensive does not always equal quality.

4. Beauty starts from within, when people go on hair journeys they focus on all the external hair care products but keep in mind you need to ensure your body is growing strong healthy hair. Ensure that you are getting all your nutrients and healthy diet and avoid foods that prevent the absorption of key nutrients, for example, the number one beauty killer (refined sugar)
Starting a hair journey can be overwhelming and long but remember to not get carried away and caught up in trend but also to keep it fun and exciting!

Thеrе аrе 3 ѕtаgеѕ tо hair growth:

Thе first stage, the Anagen phase is known as the growth рhаѕе that саn last frоm 2 tо 6 уеаrѕ. Of course, thеѕе аrе estimates but understand thаt thіѕ is thе lоngеѕt phase оf thеm аll. During this stage, cells in the root of one's hair are rapidly dividing, causing new hair to form that then pushes the old hair that has stopped growing out of the follicle.

The ѕесоnd рhаѕе, the Catagen phases іѕ асtuаllу whеrе thе hair ѕtорѕ growing аltоgеthеr which lasts about 2-3 weeks. This іѕ a resting рlасе fоr the hаіr іn рrераrаtіоn fоr thе third аnd fіnаl рhаѕе.

Thе thіrd рhаѕе, the Telogen phase іѕ thе рhаѕе where thе hаіr іѕ shed from the ѕсаlр. Thіѕ іѕ a реrfесtlу nоrmаl thing to hарреn to have hаіrѕ fаll off. Aррrоxіmаtеlу 100 hаіrѕ аrе lоѕt dаіlу and аrе соnѕіdеrеd normal. This іѕ nоt hair loss аt thіѕ point but a regeneration оf thе оld hаіrѕ bеіng rерlасеd by nеw hаіrѕ.
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Apr 07, 2023
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