About Pseudo Bash

Pseudo Bash - The Missing iOS Terminal

icloud - Retrieves Files from iCloud
wget|urlpath|filename - Retrieves Files from any URL
ping - Checks Network Connex
link|url|s - Navigates to link via web browser (s for ssl)
whois - gets list of devices on network and total count
net_stat - gets network statistics
json|url - Gets json payload
ssh|IP|usr|pass|command - secure shell connection
attacks - Digital Attack Map
DoS|url|iterations - DoS Attack - Tester
BTCe - BTC Explorer - live socket

mem - Gets Device's Free Space
cpu - Gets Device's CPU Usage
info - Gets Device Info
exit - Closes App
udid - get device UDID - not permitted in iOS 10+
ssid - get network SSID
up - gets system uptime
fonts - gets list of avail fonts
camera - opens camera

email - sends email
sms|number|message - Send SMS Text Message
aesmessage|number|message|privatekey|salt - Send AES256 SMS Text Message
aes|message|privatekey|salt - AES256 Encrypt Message
decrypt|message|privatekey|salt - AES256 Decrypt Message
qr|stringToEncode - Convert string or URL to QR Code

jdoodle - generates jDoodle Obj C Code Editor
python - Code Editor
repl - Python REPL Code Editor
pyS - Save Python File to Memory
code-objc - Code Editor
code-python - Code Editor
code-r - Code Editor
code-sql - Code Editor
code-scala - Code Editor
code-matlab - Code Editor
code-js - Code Editor
code-html - Code Editor
+c - Exits Code Editor & Most Windows
+save|code - Saves Code Editor - enter code suffix

settings - gets app settings and stored user values
TouchID|yes - Use TouchID for app auth - toggle via|yes/no
man - List of Commands for App
man_app - List of Commands for App
man_net - List of Commands for Net
man_dev - List of Commands for Device
dark - change theme to black with white text
light - change theme to white with black text
homebrew - change theme to black with green text
special - change theme to white with red text
font|fontname|fontsz - change font name & sz
version - gets version information
help - Help File

sql|dbname.db|sqlstatement - Create SQLLite DB and Query
query_sql|dbname.db|sqlstatement - Query SQLLite DB Table
insert_sql|dbname.db|sqlstatement - Insert Data into SQLLite DB Table
insert_sql|dbname.db|sqlstatement - Insert Data into SQLLite DB
cd|dir - Navigate to Directory
mkdir|dir - Make Directory
mkF|dir|file - Make File
rmdir|dir - Remove Directory
rmF|file - Remove File
mv|source|dest - Moves File
load|dir|file -
ls - Gets Files in Directory
clear - Clears the Console
exists_|dir|file - Checks if file exists @ path

Additional Information
1.88.6 (20.7 MB)
Apr 27, 2022
4+ Years
First Released
Jul 13, 2017
App Store ID
Available on
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