About English Synonyms (Moby Thes‪)‬

"Moby Thesaurus II" by Grady Ward
30,260 root words, with 2,520,264 synonyms and related terms.
The largest synonym resource around...

Powered by the acclaimed "UniDict® Engine", this is the only iPhone/macOS dictionary platform with inter-application linking.

Meaning "Companion Synonyms" works directly with all other UniDict dictionaries like "American Heritage®", "Collins Gem", "LDOCE" and more.

Not a replacement for a brand-name thesaurus like "Roget's II" or "Oxford Thesaurus of English", but a worthy addition to any 'Word Warrior's' arsenal.

Main features:
● Scrolling index overview
● Partial and wildcard searches
● Hyperlinks from all entries
● Round-trip links out to supported dictionaries *
● Automatic history
● Bookmarks with memos and folders
● Bookmark import and export
● Flashcards building
● iCloud bookmark syncing and backup
● Evernote posting
● Definition printing
● DarkMode support
● iPhone, iPod, iPad and macOS support


* Tapping on the headwords will start a search in any "Unidict® Engine" dictionary title you have installed.
These searches are 'round-trip', allowing you to return to "Companion Synonyms" through the "Back" button.

Additional Information
14.1 (37.1 MB)
Mar 13, 2023
12+ Years
First Released
Feb 08, 2013
App Store ID
Available on
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