About Malta Flora & Fauna

The app offers a digital catalogue of the flora and fauna which can be found on the Maltese archipelago. The users have also the possibility to submit geo-tagged photos to help the environment authority to discover and record new endemic and alien species. The app offers also a section to recognise the most common pests which could attack plants and trees, with the possibility of reporting real case to the Plant Health Directorate. The Parks section will provide a list of the Maltese public parks, with the respective information and events.


Din l-app toffri katalgu diġitali fuq il-flora u l-fawna kollha li jgħixu fil-gżejjer Maltin. L-utenti għandhom ukoll il-possibbiltà li jibagħtu ritratti mill-app stess biex jgħinu lill-awtoritajiet tal-ambjent jiskopru u jirrekordjaw pjanti endemiċi ġodda u speċi barranin. Din l-app toffri wkoll sezzjoni fuq l-aktar insetti komuni li jagħmlu ħsara fuq pjanti u siġar, bil-possibbiltà li jintbagħat rapport lid-Direttorat tas-Saħħa tal-Pjanti. Is-sezzjoni tal-parks fl-app tipprovdi informazzjoni u lista tal-parks pubbliċi madwar Malta, kif ukoll informazzjoni fuq avvenimenti li jseħħu.

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1.82 (87.7 MB)
Oct 14, 2019
4+ Years
First Released
Mar 21, 2017
App Store ID
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