About Mothachas

Cleachd an app seo gus a dhol an sàs le d' fhaireachdainnean tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Chaidh Mothachas a chur air dòigh gus suidheachaidhean agus co-theacsaichean faireachail làitheil a nochdadh, agus tha diofar meòrachadh agus eacarsaichean analachaidh clàraichte air.

Tha Mothachas na phàirt de shreath ghoireasan air mothachas a chaidh a dhèanamh airson Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an sgoiltean ann an Alba.

Ach, gabhaidh na goireasan a chleachdadh le duine sam bith le ùidh ann am meòrachadh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus tha sinn a' toirt cuireadh dhut a bhith nas mothachaile le "Mothachas".
Use this app to interact with your emotions through the medium of Scottish Gaelic. Mothachas has been organised to reflect day-to-day situations and emotional contexts, and it contains a range of recorded meditations and breathing exercises.

Mothachas is part of a range of mindfullness resources created for use in Gaelic Medium Education for use in schools in Scotland.

However, the resources can also be used by anyone with an interest in meditation through the medium of Scottish Gaelic and we invite you to be more mindful with "Mothachas" ...

Additional Information
1.1 (39.4 MB)
Sep 28, 2021
4+ Years
First Released
Sep 24, 2021
App Store ID
Available on
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