About HomeTrust Real Estate

Minor bug fixes.

HomeTrust does the work for you. We provide you with a stream of deeply discounted properties. Because we come across so many great deals (30% - 50% below market value) we simply can’t keep all of these properties ourselves.

See all of HomeTrust’s available properties for sale. Instantly book tours of your favorite homes. When you find a property you are interested in buying, you can easily make an offer directly from our app.

Key features:
- View photos, maps and property details.
- Schedule access and make an offer directly from the app.
- Search for homes that fit your criteria: Distance, price, city, # of bedrooms, # of bathrooms.
- Save your favorite homes.
- Receive instant notifications when new properties become available or if another offer is placed on a property you have submitted an offer on.

Additional Information
1.3 (21.6 MB)
Jan 16, 2023
4+ Years
First Released
Nov 16, 2017
App Store ID
Available on
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