About Movies: What to Watch

Wondering what to watch and where to stream it? Get movies recommendations including streaming providers such as Netflix, Amazon prime, Hulu, Paramount+ and HBO Max now.

Mark movies which you liked and get suggestions to what to watch next.
With database provided by The MovieDB you can now get recommendations for millions of films.
Are you bored by searching for new movies?
Then Movies: What to Watch is right app for you.
You can check what stream providers have movies available in your specific location.
Stream providers data are prepared by JustWatch.
Hundreds of stream providers included in database. Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu or HBO Max. These are just few most popular from them.
Make your research for new movies more comfortable with our new app.
Save your loved movies in one place. Use watchlist to store movies for other times..
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You can also follow our YouTube - What to Watch and TikTok - What to Watch (@moviestowatchtonight) channels to get daily video recommendations.
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For new features in app you can contact us on social media or through email
The Movie Database description: is a free and open movie database. It's completely user driven by people like you. TMDb is currently used by millions of people every month and with their powerful API, it is also used by many popular media centers like Kodi to retrieve Movie Metadata, Posters and Fanart to enrich the user's experience.

Additional Information
1.02 (21.4 MB)
Feb 17, 2023
9+ Years
First Released
Jan 31, 2023
App Store ID
Available on
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