About wikiHow Car Assistant
Find, view, and download the owner's manual for your car without creating an account.

wikiHow is the world's most trusted how-to website, with step-by-step instructions on every imaginable topic. Now we've partnered with AI to solve all of your car-related issues. Our AI Assistant has read the owner's manual for your car, so you don't have to. Get help with any problem, including repairs, troubleshooting, cleaning, and more.

Our AI Car Assistant can help you get your car to start, deal with a check engine light, change your oil, replace a flat tire, and more.

We support most major US car brands, including:
- Audi
- Cadillac
- Chevrolet
- Chrysler
- Dodge
- Fiat
- Ford
- Hyundai
- Jeep
- Kia
- Lexus
- Mazda
- Nissan
- Ram
- Toyota
- Wagoneer

Prefer to read the manual yourself? You can download your owner's manual for free. But you won't even need to do that because our AI Assistant will give you immediate solutions to your car-related challenges. Our AI is trained on thousands of manuals, and it has read every wikiHow article too. Tired of spending time on hold with customer support or paying for expensive mechanic bills? Find simple and easy solutions with our AI Assistant.

All manuals and guides are available for FREE and limitless viewing and downloading. You can search any number of manuals and save them to your device.
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Feb 19, 2024
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