Well the Christmas decorations are finally all up and the house is actually clean. Let’s hope it stays that way! Highly unlikely. When I was taking photos, my dog kept following along and posing. 😂 I’ve slowly collected my Christmas decorations over the years. When my husband and I got engaged, I went to some of my favorite home stores the day after Christmas, and bought tons of decorations at 80% off. It’s how we decorated for our first married Christmas, when I was a lowly production artist and my husband was in graduate school. We still have and use those decorations, because now they are sentimental and remind us of when we were young and broke. Over the years I’ve added more color and handmade touches. A lot of our decorations tell a story and hold special meaning, and I think that is always important in a home! Are you ready for Christmas?! #christmas #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmasdecorating #christmasiscoming #christmasideas #colorfulchristmas #colorfullinteriors #mycolorfulhome #givemeallthecolor🌈 #colorismyjam #eclecticandcolorfulabode #collectedhome #mycollecteddecor #merryandbright #merry
Download Living Room Design / Decoration Ideas & Inspiration (Simple, Small, Modern, Luxury)- #750704
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