When I heard the words “sing for joy when my heart is heavy” in a song today...it hit a different way. I caught myself thinking I. Don’t. Want. To. The “I don’t want to” phase is strong in my house right now with this guy. Anyone else relate? My silly yet selfish self was sad that I missed the cute moment of him playing under the tree with his train set. And then he just wanted to play on the floor and blow his whistle. He didn’t WANT TO recreate the moment so that I could capture it. Anyway, going back to the point. If we’re being honest with ourselves when we’re in an unfortunate situation, are we singing for joy or are we saying I don’t want to? I don’t want to, I don’t feel like it...was on my lips today. When I reached to try and find praise, my brain got in the way of my heart. But this is where choice comes into play, right? When we choose if we’re on the mountain top or in the valley. It’s hard! It’s messy and unfair. Oftentimes we’re so conditioned to think our feelings should lead the way. But the best way to get my heart FEELING like it wants to is to CHOOSE to START to praise. Tears and all. . . . . . . #rdchristmasgiveaway
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