Part 2b. The Living Room . The Sofa. Awalnya galau banget karena berasa gak cocok aja gayanya sama overall concept. This one looks old, grandma’s generation sofa bgt. But who cares, we want to have cinema-like experience at home. Premier cinema to be exact. Ini kursinya elektrik recliner. Dijamin ketiduran kalo udh recline kena angin sepoi2. Super nyaman buat netflixan sambil ngunyah. Beli di informa merek ferrara. Recommended. . The Last Supper. It was Rosa’s finding at a shop inside Tokopedia. A custom-made 200x100cm, stainless steel with black paint finishing. Definitely our fav piece of art. Sits perfectly in that side of wall. . The Clock. It is a modern-look gold clock that match to overall home concept. Found it at AliExpress with much cheaper price. Couldnt find it here, but similar clock costs twice. Beli di AliExpress tp butuh kesabaran ya. Barang murah, kualitas bagus. . Swipe left. . The Coffee Table. This coffee table is another masterpiece of a workshop found @tokopedia. Custom-made with black marble that has similar pattern with the kitchen and table-bar. Kaki-kakinya stainless steel dicat warna gold. Perfectly sits between the TV and the sofa. . Please follow @bintzhouse for the complete review of our interior. . #bintzhouse #asyajakarta #asyajakartagardencity #rumahbaru #renovasirumah #inspirasidekor #dekorumah #interiordesain #homeinterior #house #newhouse #fianointerior #modernclassicinterior #modernclassic #rumahmodern #rumahmillenial #interiordesign #livingroom #livingroomdecor #livingroomdesign
Download Living Room Design / Decoration Ideas & Inspiration (Simple, Small, Modern, Luxury)- #733238
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