“This is the power of gathering: it inspires us, delightfully, to be more hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful: in a word, more alive.” Alice Waters What do you think about a holiday dinner with your loved ones by the Bahia Beach 🏝? Whether you’re gathering virtually, outdoors, distanced, or in spirit, wishing everyone a beautiful start to the holiday season. This holiday season, I especially feel grateful for the team, clients, reps, contractors and factories. Thank you!! The project is based in Bahia Beach Ocean Drive Residence in Puerto Rico. Motives are featured with the modern meets classic kitchen / living room design. Borumdesign is interior design studios based in San Francisco / Boise. Please feel free to DM if you have any questions or inquiries. Excited to see the completed project images from St. Regis Residential Leasing website!! Please find the full link in the comments below- #kitchendesign #livingroomdesign #borum #borumahn #borumdesign #sfdesignteam #boisedesignteam #basedinsanfrancisco #basedinboise #interiordesign #bahiabeach #puertorico #oceanlife #oceandrive #hoteldesign #hospitalitydesign
Download Kitchen Design / Decoration Ideas & Inspiration (Simple, Small, Modern, Luxury)- #738811
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