Pro tip Monday : Tilers make tiling look so easy! Don’t they? When in fact there is a ton of lay out and math that goes into a great looking tile job. We are going to share a couple tips of how the pros do it with subway type tiles. Question: when it comes to subway type tiles, do you prefer stacked tiles lined straight up or staggered? IG won’t allow for too detailed of description, so any questions as always, please send a DM and we can answer for you When you have the area you are going to tile, you first want to measure the length and divide in half to get the center of the wall or space to tile. Next decide if the tile can be centered in the space or if doing so will leave small hard to cut pieces on the ends. Avoiding this is the purpose of the before thought. When running a brick type subway tile pattern don’t forget to make sure the staggered row above it doesn’t leave you a little sliver piece either. Then lay down your tile (Hint: most tiles are 1/8 inch short of the whole inch by design for a grout line) with spacers on top and side butt tiles to them, measure the tile plus the space to the next tile. This will tell you how much each tile takes up. Next you will want to get your plumb line (vertical level) level = horizontal and plum is perpendicular This is extremely important if you want your cuts at both ends to be equal. Then repeat for height measuring from top to bottom to ensure no small slivers again. Remember it doesn’t always work out to be centered but you don’t want small pieces that are hard to work with. Chances are they will not be whole tiles you end at the top. Keep it clean and don’t forget your spacers! Hope this helps ✨
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