I’m officially on the dried orange bandwagon! • Making this dried orange garland was a fun and easy way to spruce up the kitchen for the holidays!🍊🌲 • Here’s how I did it👇 •Preheat oven to 225 (my oven runs pretty hot) •Slice oranges about 1/4 inch thick and pat dry. •Arranged orange slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or cooling racks. (I found that cooling racks worked better) •Bake for approximately 4 hours, flipping orange slices about every hour. Some of the smaller slices may finish after the first couple hours, pull these out to cool. •Once all of the orange slices are dehydrated, take the cooling racks out of the oven and let the orange slices rest for about 30 minutes to an hour. •After the orange slices are completely cooled, use a needle to poke holes and string twine or fishing line through to create garland or ornaments. • #driedoranges#kitchendecor#christmas#christmasdecor#garland#ohio
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