How to set up the perfect home office? ā šŸ¤”ā  ā  Working from home will be more comfortable and productive when you have a proper work desk. We have some tips for you to set up a clean, non-distracted workspace to ā support your work and well-being.ā  ā  1. A comfortable chair is the heart of a productive home office. Choose one that is comfortable, has the right height and provides proper back and arm support for the type of work you will be doing. Sitting too much is bad for your overall health so make sure to stand up and move your body every 30 minutes. For example walk while making phone calls or do some stretches/exercises in between jobs. ā  ā  2. A perfect tool which helps you cycle between sitting and standing throughout your workday is a height-adjustable standing desk. It keeps your body flexible and moving. Besides that, it helps improve your productivity, concentration and increase your creativity. ā  ā  3. Keep your workspace neat, well organized and clean. With no mess lying around on your desk, you can fully focus on the task at hand, getting more done and feeling less stressed.ā  ā  4. Avoid working under the direct glare of overhead lights. Instead, look for ways to diffuse the ambient light that will illuminate your office space - like natural daylight and spots.ā  ā  5. Plants are excellent to liven up your workspace. Besides a decoration piece, plants have the ability to filter the air of carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which comes along with various health benefits. Some perfect, low-maintenance home office plants are snake plants, bamboo palms and English ivy.ā  ā  What does your home office look like? šŸ’»ā  ā  ā  #ALAM #ALAMholistic #holistic #health #beauty #homeoffice #workspace #workfromhome #workenvironment #comfortable #productive #wellbeing #comfortablechair #standingdesk #cleanspace #plants #oxygen #daylight #snakeplant #bamboopalm #englishivy #homeofficedecor #homeofficeideas #mydesk #work #deskstyle #officestyle #officedecor #inspo #inspirationā 
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