There are two things reporter Neil Greenberg misses about working from the Washington, D.C. office- the camaraderie and free coffee. Balancing caring for a young toddler, free coffee at home would be helpful as he works mornings and evenings to meet deadlines and cares for his son every afternoon. Without a daily commute, he sneaks in reading during his son’s naps. When his son is awake, Neil often finds himself pushing him and his toys around the neighborhood. The extra exercise makes him miss his standing desk at the office less. As a sports reporter, he’s encouraged to always look for innovative ways to look at sports through an analytical lens. It makes every day different. One moment he’s working on a post about the all-time great baseball players and the next he’s researching which fantasy football players to claim on this week’s waiver wire. Another moment he’s recording a radio or TV interview. Without access to The Post’s recording studios, he hooks an external USB mic and webcam to his laptop and adds a mini cube light for lighting. Since Neil finds himself working from home since March, he invested in a second computer screen to help with writing and researching from a single computer. Not having to jump from one program to the other helps to focus his thoughts and improves workflow. He also has a tablet he uses for game film, which allows him to easily screengrab images if needed. #washpostlife
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