For years I wished I had the opportunity to work from home. There was no reason I couldn't with my career but, well, management. In March we were told we would be home for two weeks, then a month, maybe longer. By late April I acknowledged that I needed an actual work space, outside of the kitchen, and set up in the kids playroom. In the weeks that followed my professional world was turned upside down and until just a few weeks ago I wasn't sure when I'd have some stability again. We were recently informed that we would now be home till at least next summer. . This has been such a wild year. Like a roller coaster that takes your from a slow climb into a loopty-loop, then through a magical forest and straight into a haunted house, a glide along a beautiful stretch of river only to plummet down a waterfall. I know that we will reach the end of this ride eventually. I know that rush of fear, delight, adrenaline and wanting to get off will end. But how crazy is it that I'll miss some of it. So for that reason, I'm embracing that new return to date of next summer. For the next few months I'm going to intentionally cherish this time I've been given. This time with the home I've created, with the family I love so much and with the knowledge that I can choose to be sad or I can choose to look at this time as a gift. . . . . #workfromhomelife #worklifebalance #workfromhome #homeoffice #homeofficedecor #wildride #choosehappiness #giftoftime #celebratetheprocess #homesweethome #workfromhomemom #newnormal2020 #balancing #findingbalance #workfromhomeperks #newperspectives #changeperspective #attitudeofgratitude #homeofficedesign #howihomeoffice #artfilledhome #abstractart #artcollection #bluesofa #canefurniture #makeitwork #makehomeyourhaven #embracechange #loloilook #createyourlife
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