Are you sitting down? Today is Daylight Saving Day, Karnataka Rajyotsava Day, National Author's Day, National Brush Day, National Calzone Day, National Cook For Your Pets Day, National Men Make Dinner Day, National Vinegar Day, and World Vegan Day. It's my very serious objective to celebrate every single one of these. That's how fun I am. Daylight Saving Day. Check. Karnataka Rajyotsava Day commemorates the day when Kannada regions in South India merged to form the state of Karnataka. Ok, busted, never heard of it before. The day stands for solidarity, regardless of religion and ethnic backgrounds. Yep, we need more of this and apparently it's totally appropriate to honor this holiday 'round the globe. National Author's Day gives me another opportunity to recommend Feck Perfuction by @jamesvictore who is a madman and a superstar. I owe a lot to him (not financially of course). National Brush day is to remind us to brush our teeth. Serious? National Calzone Day will be celebrated by putting some meat, cheese, and tomato sauce between two slices of toasted Dave's Killer Bread and handing it to my husband for lunch. He's gonna think I did something really terrible like cheated on him because I never make him lunch. National Cook For Your Pets Day is every day at my house. Our dog gets a blend of hot cereal, bananas, and applesauce 3 times a day because if we feed her anything else, she poops liquid in unspeakable places. I'm changing National Men Make Dinner Day to National Men Buy Dinner Day since we have plans to dine out. This will be accomplished by just leaving my wallet at home. The punishment for this devious move is freezing my ass off while dining al fresco in November and having to wear a too-tight puffy jacket (thanks to the COVID-10, a less dangerous version of the disease that destroys your ability to be comfortable in your own clothes.) National Vinegar Day...I have a drop of Apple Cider Vinegar before meals because it does a bunch of great things for my health, none of which I can prove. World Vegan Day started with toast layered with avocado, hummus, and cucumber, and a dash of sea salt and pepper. And that friends is how you celebrate 9 days in 1.
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