This room has drastically changed over the past year. Swipe to the very end to see what it looked like in February. Honestly this room has never been on my project list. That’s why you’ve barely seen it. It hasn’t had a dramatic reveal until now lol. I’ve just worked on things here and there to make it work for our lives aka be more than a dumping grounds for our stuff. It’s an odd space. It’s open to our living room and kitchen and at the back of our house. We use our back door 98% of the time ... so that’s where keys, groceries, luggage, mail, you name it ends up. Can anyone relate? It feels a little more purposeful now. And the Christmas decor is icing on the cake oooor should I say froth on the eggnog latte (shameless plug to go give my new reel some love). Our little coffee station and plant area make me happy, even when they’re cluttered.
Download Dining Room Design / Decoration Ideas & Inspiration (Simple, Small, Modern, Luxury)- #749822
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