Dining Room remodel If you have been following along you know this is suppose to be the formal living room, but as you can see it's now a dining room. We did this change for a few reasons. One - the original dining room space is now my studio. Two - the breakfast area was not big enough for my dining table (which I wasn't about to give up). Third - we are definitely NOT formal people and really didn't have a use for a formal living room 🤣 So let me take you around the room... Go to stories or highlights for explanations #diningroomtable #diningroommakeover #shermanwilliams #antiques #familyheirlooms #diningroomdecor #screenwindow #wordart #blanketchest #farmhousetable
Download Dining Room Design / Decoration Ideas & Inspiration (Simple, Small, Modern, Luxury)- #821151
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