Happy Sunday! 💕 Here is another birthday surprise idea! Simple yet so magical ✨ This was going well until my balloon pump broke and I had Inflate the rest of the balloons myself! 😫 Start with writing messages on small pieces of paper. Whole punch the top of each of them. Then inflate balloons and attach ribbons to them. Tape the balloons to the ceiling. Lastly tie your messages to the bottom of the ribbon. #balloonsurprise #balloonroomdecoration #birthday #birthdaysurprise #romanticbirthday #surprise #giftideas #bedroomdecor #affordable #balloonboxsuprise #balloongift #surprisegift #birthdaygift #giftideas #genderreveal #diygifts #giftsforher #giftsforhim #gift #budgetfriendlygifts #covidfriendly #giftspiration
Download Bed Room Design / Decoration Ideas & Inspiration (Simple, Small, Modern, Luxury)- #793752
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