It’s never too early for self-care. A solid morning routine has long been the backbone of my self-care practice. So let’s talk about some of the things you might want to add to your morning routine. Everyone’s ideal morning routine will be different, so the suggestions on this list are meant to be starting points, not a step-by-step guide (especially because who would have time for this all???). A morning routine might also involve some creative maneuvering to implement (like waking up a little earlier to fit in some solo time before your kids wake up, or involving them in your routine somehow). Experiment with what works for you, and remember that the key is consistency. 1. Make your bed. Yes, making your bed is technically a chore, but it can also be a deceptively simple and tiny way to make yourself feel good. 2. Nail a “getting ready” order. Remember that decision fatigue we just talked about? It’s extremely applicable to getting ready in the morning. Most of us have that bucket of things we do every morning to prepare for the day (you know, getting dressed, brushing our teeth, etc.), but you might not have it down to an exact order yet. 3. Drink some water. The benefits of drinking water are well documented. You know you should be hydrating throughout the day, but a glass of water in the morning kind of gets the whole process going. Do you have something that is apart of your morning routine? Comment below!
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